Anytone Setup Checklist image

Anytone Setup Checklist

Here's an info graphic showing the steps to get your Anytone on the air: Get a DMR ID, Register on Brandmeister, Download & Install Software, Customize, Contacts, Write to Radio, Test.

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Anytone Facebook Group

Private Facebook Group for all the Anytone radios. Great for asking questions and sharing info.

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Get a DMR ID. The only official world-wide registrar.

There used to be multiple registrars, but they are now consolidated under You can also lookup an unknown DMR ID if your radio doesn't recognize it. image

Register on Brandmeister. This is the leading world-wide DMR network.

There are other DMR networks like TGIF, and OpenDMR as well, but Brandmeister appears to be the most popular and well run. You'll want to create an account, this will let you register your APRS info and add a hotspot.

Brandmeister image

Get the latest Code Plug Software (CPS). And maybe Firmware and icons too.

The CPS (Code Plug Software) lets you program your radio with the USB cable. Most major distributors have up to date CPS software, F/W and the occasional icon file that comes with the F/W. Examples of CPS providers are: Bridgecom, Wouxun, and Powerwerx

Bridgecom image

Get a Code Plug. This is a working template for your area.

Code Plugs are typically created for a geographical area. Often a club or a group of elmers will put something together. There's a good online tool from Bridgecom here: Download a Codeplug

Code Plug image

Update Contacts. Get the latest list of +200,000 DMR contacts.

You'll want to update the contacts that came with the Code Plug with the latest list. Officially this is from under Database, but wrangling the CSV file is tricky. You might want to try KF5IW's daily built: KF5IW's Digital Contact List

Contacts image